Issue Position: Cyclical Cycle of Capital

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

The Cyclical Cycle of capital must be kept moving,We must transfer wealth from the top to the bottom, we the people have paid taxes for one hundred years, our wealth has helped build the corporations that are bigger than any kingdom in the history of man kind it is time to set up a system to justify the transfer back down to the working and lower class of our country .
Wages from Jobs are one way money is brought down from the top of the cyclical cycle, this to many of us is the most important because it allows we the working class to participate in capitalism and the free market, being able to choose the goods and services we choose to use. Wages are the most important part of a market based economy that counts on jobs and labor to transfer Wealth, also to support the local,state and federal government through taxes. The market based economy needs well paid labor because of the need of consumers, consumers drive the free market and demand for goods and services drive need for more jobs, keeping the cyclical cycle of capital forever moving not stagnating at the top of the tower. Remember we are all connected.

Taxes are another way that money is brought from the top level of the cyclical cycle of capital. The effective tax rate used to be as high as 97% on wealth income, this rate began coming down since the 1960's to what is now in some cases to 0% and in many cases deferred taxes for years. Many of the very wealthy are paying around 15%, most economists suggest that 28% is the sweet spot in the tax percentage needed to fund the government. The government is the best way to get money flowing through out the whole United States with work programs on infrastructure, Schools etc. that we all need and use.

Charity is another way that money comes down from the top, I thank those whom give money to charity. I believe that it is not getting to those in need, with reports of billions of dollars going to charity and endowments how can we have so many people in need, I think we should have a clearing house for charity dollars to help connect the needy with the charities money and to help fix the problems we have with poverty, homeless, uneducated and jobless.

Philanthropy is another way money comes from the top and this is very important for those of the working class that hope to move from the lower and middle class into the business class. With out this great mechanism of the cyclical cycle we would not have the growth in jobs and the economy as a whole. This is a way for the working class to get real compensation for what we have been doing for the history of the market economy helping those whom own the businesses prosper and succeed in capitalism with our labor and knowledge. So thank you for sharing the American Dream.

Many of the other issues I comment on are ways to justify and keep the cyclical cycle moving.
